Grupo Capoeira Brasil Achtergrond
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Grupo Capoeira Brasil is an international cultural organisation founded in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1989 by renowned Capoeira mestres (masters): Boneco, Paulinho Sabia and Paulão Ceara.
Over the past three decades, the founders set out across the globe with the mission of sharing their knowledge of Capoeira with people of all ages, ethnicities, religions and beliefs. Today Capoeira is an international art form with a diverse community of practitioners that celebrate its contagious energy and powerful traditions. Capoeira is dance, it is fight, it is culture and creativity. It is an art of transformation, born from the struggle for liberation, empowerment and self-determination.
Capoeira Brasil instructors are in more than 40 countries teaching, performing and enriching communities all over the world.
(dit stukje is gepubliceerd door onze Grupo uit LA)